Re: wdForge and how to go on ?

Posté par R&B le 25/8/2003 8:57:12
Hi Peter ! Nice to read you !
I'll reply in original langage for automatic translation convenience. Never mind about non english readers, I think what was told is better a way not to write/read errors than angryness.

You're rigth about the office project... if it's simply thought in a vba to wd ole translation. But as allways, i've got a simple idea in mind to let us going around it.
This projet could be a how-to to simply execute simple orders (opening/saving docs, transmitting datas). Then can we try to create a macro text parsing engine to execute registered macros.

But, I'm still fighting with cvs administration as my admin workstation is behind a firewall and it makes things a bit harder.

I'll post here news as soon as i'll be ready to invite devs is wdforge projects.

For use, work will be done on how-to use it.
We're still working around a way to offer good presentation... with less work (time !).
Sorry i forgot this part... thanks for the advice !
(for forum posts you've got Previsualiser link to preview your post.


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